8  Data Wrangling: Join, Combine, and Reshape

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In many applications, data may be spread across a number of files or databases, or be arranged in a form that is not convenient to analyze. This chapter focuses on tools to help combine, join, and rearrange data.

First, I introduce the concept of hierarchical indexing in pandas, which is used extensively in some of these operations. I then dig into the particular data manipulations. You can see various applied usages of these tools in Ch 13: Data Analysis Examples.

8.1 Hierarchical Indexing

Hierarchical indexing is an important feature of pandas that enables you to have multiple (two or more) index levels on an axis. Another way of thinking about it is that it provides a way for you to work with higher dimensional data in a lower dimensional form. Let’s start with a simple example: create a Series with a list of lists (or arrays) as the index:

In [11]: data = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(size=9),
   ....:                  index=[["a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "d", "d"],
   ....:                         [1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3]])

In [12]: data
a  1    0.929616
   2    0.316376
   3    0.183919
b  1    0.204560
   3    0.567725
c  1    0.595545
   2    0.964515
d  2    0.653177
   3    0.748907
dtype: float64

What you’re seeing is a prettified view of a Series with a MultiIndex as its index. The “gaps” in the index display mean “use the label directly above”:

In [13]: data.index
MultiIndex([('a', 1),
            ('a', 2),
            ('a', 3),
            ('b', 1),
            ('b', 3),
            ('c', 1),
            ('c', 2),
            ('d', 2),
            ('d', 3)],

With a hierarchically indexed object, so-called partial indexing is possible, enabling you to concisely select subsets of the data:

In [14]: data["b"]
1    0.204560
3    0.567725
dtype: float64

In [15]: data["b":"c"]
b  1    0.204560
   3    0.567725
c  1    0.595545
   2    0.964515
dtype: float64

In [16]: data.loc[["b", "d"]]
b  1    0.204560
   3    0.567725
d  2    0.653177
   3    0.748907
dtype: float64

Selection is even possible from an “inner” level. Here I select all of the values having the value 2 from the second index level:

In [17]: data.loc[:, 2]
a    0.316376
c    0.964515
d    0.653177
dtype: float64

Hierarchical indexing plays an important role in reshaping data and in group-based operations like forming a pivot table. For example, you can rearrange this data into a DataFrame using its unstack method:

In [18]: data.unstack()
          1         2         3
a  0.929616  0.316376  0.183919
b  0.204560       NaN  0.567725
c  0.595545  0.964515       NaN
d       NaN  0.653177  0.748907

The inverse operation of unstack is stack:

In [19]: data.unstack().stack()
a  1    0.929616
   2    0.316376
   3    0.183919
b  1    0.204560
   3    0.567725
c  1    0.595545
   2    0.964515
d  2    0.653177
   3    0.748907
dtype: float64

stack and unstack will be explored in more detail later in Reshaping and Pivoting.

With a DataFrame, either axis can have a hierarchical index:

In [20]: frame = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)),
   ....:                      index=[["a", "a", "b", "b"], [1, 2, 1, 2]],
   ....:                      columns=[["Ohio", "Ohio", "Colorado"],
   ....:                               ["Green", "Red", "Green"]])

In [21]: frame
     Ohio     Colorado
    Green Red    Green
a 1     0   1        2
  2     3   4        5
b 1     6   7        8
  2     9  10       11

The hierarchical levels can have names (as strings or any Python objects). If so, these will show up in the console output:

In [22]: frame.index.names = ["key1", "key2"]

In [23]: frame.columns.names = ["state", "color"]

In [24]: frame
state      Ohio     Colorado
color     Green Red    Green
key1 key2                   
a    1        0   1        2
     2        3   4        5
b    1        6   7        8
     2        9  10       11

These names supersede the name attribute, which is used only with single-level indexes.


Be careful to note that the index names "state" and "color" are not part of the row labels (the frame.index values).

You can see how many levels an index has by accessing its nlevels attribute:

In [25]: frame.index.nlevels
Out[25]: 2

With partial column indexing you can similarly select groups of columns:

In [26]: frame["Ohio"]
color      Green  Red
key1 key2            
a    1         0    1
     2         3    4
b    1         6    7
     2         9   10

A MultiIndex can be created by itself and then reused; the columns in the preceding DataFrame with level names could also be created like this:

pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["Ohio", "Ohio", "Colorado"],
                          ["Green", "Red", "Green"]],
                          names=["state", "color"])

Reordering and Sorting Levels

At times you may need to rearrange the order of the levels on an axis or sort the data by the values in one specific level. The swaplevel method takes two level numbers or names and returns a new object with the levels interchanged (but the data is otherwise unaltered):

In [27]: frame.swaplevel("key1", "key2")
state      Ohio     Colorado
color     Green Red    Green
key2 key1                   
1    a        0   1        2
2    a        3   4        5
1    b        6   7        8
2    b        9  10       11

sort_index by default sorts the data lexicographically using all the index levels, but you can choose to use only a single level or a subset of levels to sort by passing the level argument. For example:

In [28]: frame.sort_index(level=1)
state      Ohio     Colorado
color     Green Red    Green
key1 key2                   
a    1        0   1        2
b    1        6   7        8
a    2        3   4        5
b    2        9  10       11

In [29]: frame.swaplevel(0, 1).sort_index(level=0)
state      Ohio     Colorado
color     Green Red    Green
key2 key1                   
1    a        0   1        2
     b        6   7        8
2    a        3   4        5
     b        9  10       11

Data selection performance is much better on hierarchically indexed objects if the index is lexicographically sorted starting with the outermost level—that is, the result of calling sort_index(level=0) or sort_index().

Summary Statistics by Level

Many descriptive and summary statistics on DataFrame and Series have a level option in which you can specify the level you want to aggregate by on a particular axis. Consider the above DataFrame; we can aggregate by level on either the rows or columns, like so:

In [30]: frame.groupby(level="key2").sum()
state  Ohio     Colorado
color Green Red    Green
1         6   8       10
2        12  14       16

In [31]: frame.groupby(level="color", axis="columns").sum()
color      Green  Red
key1 key2            
a    1         2    1
     2         8    4
b    1        14    7
     2        20   10

We will discuss groupby in much more detail later in Ch 10: Data Aggregation and Group Operations.

Indexing with a DataFrame's columns

It’s not unusual to want to use one or more columns from a DataFrame as the row index; alternatively, you may wish to move the row index into the DataFrame’s columns. Here’s an example DataFrame:

In [32]: frame = pd.DataFrame({"a": range(7), "b": range(7, 0, -1),
   ....:                       "c": ["one", "one", "one", "two", "two",
   ....:                             "two", "two"],
   ....:                       "d": [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3]})

In [33]: frame
   a  b    c  d
0  0  7  one  0
1  1  6  one  1
2  2  5  one  2
3  3  4  two  0
4  4  3  two  1
5  5  2  two  2
6  6  1  two  3

DataFrame’s set_index function will create a new DataFrame using one or more of its columns as the index:

In [34]: frame2 = frame.set_index(["c", "d"])

In [35]: frame2
       a  b
c   d      
one 0  0  7
    1  1  6
    2  2  5
two 0  3  4
    1  4  3
    2  5  2
    3  6  1

By default, the columns are removed from the DataFrame, though you can leave them in by passing drop=False to set_index:

In [36]: frame.set_index(["c", "d"], drop=False)
       a  b    c  d
c   d              
one 0  0  7  one  0
    1  1  6  one  1
    2  2  5  one  2
two 0  3  4  two  0
    1  4  3  two  1
    2  5  2  two  2
    3  6  1  two  3

reset_index, on the other hand, does the opposite of set_index; the hierarchical index levels are moved into the columns:

In [37]: frame2.reset_index()
     c  d  a  b
0  one  0  0  7
1  one  1  1  6
2  one  2  2  5
3  two  0  3  4
4  two  1  4  3
5  two  2  5  2
6  two  3  6  1

8.2 Combining and Merging Datasets

Data contained in pandas objects can be combined in a number of ways:


Connect rows in DataFrames based on one or more keys. This will be familiar to users of SQL or other relational databases, as it implements database join operations.


Concatenate or "stack" objects together along an axis.


Splice together overlapping data to fill in missing values in one object with values from another.

I will address each of these and give a number of examples. They’ll be utilized in examples throughout the rest of the book.

Database-Style DataFrame Joins

Merge or join operations combine datasets by linking rows using one or more keys. These operations are particularly important in relational databases (e.g., SQL-based). The pandas.merge function in pandas is the main entry point for using these algorithms on your data.

Let’s start with a simple example:

In [38]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["b", "b", "a", "c", "a", "a", "b"],
   ....:                     "data1": pd.Series(range(7), dtype="Int64")})

In [39]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["a", "b", "d"],
   ....:                     "data2": pd.Series(range(3), dtype="Int64")})

In [40]: df1
  key  data1
0   b      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   c      3
4   a      4
5   a      5
6   b      6

In [41]: df2
  key  data2
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   d      2

Here I am using pandas's Int64 extension type for nullable integers, discussed in Ch 7.3: Extension Data Types.

This is an example of a many-to-one join; the data in df1 has multiple rows labeled a and b, whereas df2 has only one row for each value in the key column. Calling pandas.merge with these objects, we obtain:

In [42]: pd.merge(df1, df2)
  key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      1      1
2   b      6      1
3   a      2      0
4   a      4      0
5   a      5      0

Note that I didn’t specify which column to join on. If that information is not specified, pandas.merge uses the overlapping column names as the keys. It’s a good practice to specify explicitly, though:

In [43]: pd.merge(df1, df2, on="key")
  key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      1      1
2   b      6      1
3   a      2      0
4   a      4      0
5   a      5      0

In general, the order of column output in pandas.merge operations is unspecified.

If the column names are different in each object, you can specify them separately:

In [44]: df3 = pd.DataFrame({"lkey": ["b", "b", "a", "c", "a", "a", "b"],
   ....:                     "data1": pd.Series(range(7), dtype="Int64")})

In [45]: df4 = pd.DataFrame({"rkey": ["a", "b", "d"],
   ....:                     "data2": pd.Series(range(3), dtype="Int64")})

In [46]: pd.merge(df3, df4, left_on="lkey", right_on="rkey")
  lkey  data1 rkey  data2
0    b      0    b      1
1    b      1    b      1
2    b      6    b      1
3    a      2    a      0
4    a      4    a      0
5    a      5    a      0

You may notice that the "c" and "d" values and associated data are missing from the result. By default, pandas.merge does an "inner" join; the keys in the result are the intersection, or the common set found in both tables. Other possible options are "left", "right", and "outer". The outer join takes the union of the keys, combining the effect of applying both left and right joins:

In [47]: pd.merge(df1, df2, how="outer")
  key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      1      1
2   b      6      1
3   a      2      0
4   a      4      0
5   a      5      0
6   c      3   <NA>
7   d   <NA>      2

In [48]: pd.merge(df3, df4, left_on="lkey", right_on="rkey", how="outer")
  lkey  data1 rkey  data2
0    b      0    b      1
1    b      1    b      1
2    b      6    b      1
3    a      2    a      0
4    a      4    a      0
5    a      5    a      0
6    c      3  NaN   <NA>
7  NaN   <NA>    d      2

In an outer join, rows from the left or right DataFrame objects that do not match on keys in the other DataFrame will appear with NA values in the other DataFrame's columns for the nonmatching rows.

See Table 8.1 for a summary of the options for how.

Table 8.1: Different join types with the how argument
Option Behavior
how="inner" Use only the key combinations observed in both tables
how="left" Use all key combinations found in the left table
how="right" Use all key combinations found in the right table
how="outer" Use all key combinations observed in both tables together

Many-to-many merges form the Cartesian product of the matching keys. Here’s an example:

In [49]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["b", "b", "a", "c", "a", "b"],
   ....:                     "data1": pd.Series(range(6), dtype="Int64")})

In [50]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["a", "b", "a", "b", "d"],
   ....:                     "data2": pd.Series(range(5), dtype="Int64")})

In [51]: df1
  key  data1
0   b      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   c      3
4   a      4
5   b      5

In [52]: df2
  key  data2
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   b      3
4   d      4

In [53]: pd.merge(df1, df2, on="key", how="left")
   key  data1  data2
0    b      0      1
1    b      0      3
2    b      1      1
3    b      1      3
4    a      2      0
5    a      2      2
6    c      3   <NA>
7    a      4      0
8    a      4      2
9    b      5      1
10   b      5      3

Since there were three "b" rows in the left DataFrame and two in the right one, there are six "b" rows in the result. The join method passed to the how keyword argument affects only the distinct key values appearing in the result:

In [54]: pd.merge(df1, df2, how="inner")
  key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      0      3
2   b      1      1
3   b      1      3
4   b      5      1
5   b      5      3
6   a      2      0
7   a      2      2
8   a      4      0
9   a      4      2

To merge with multiple keys, pass a list of column names:

In [55]: left = pd.DataFrame({"key1": ["foo", "foo", "bar"],
   ....:                      "key2": ["one", "two", "one"],
   ....:                      "lval": pd.Series([1, 2, 3], dtype='Int64')})

In [56]: right = pd.DataFrame({"key1": ["foo", "foo", "bar", "bar"],
   ....:                       "key2": ["one", "one", "one", "two"],
   ....:                       "rval": pd.Series([4, 5, 6, 7], dtype='Int64')})

In [57]: pd.merge(left, right, on=["key1", "key2"], how="outer")
  key1 key2  lval  rval
0  foo  one     1     4
1  foo  one     1     5
2  foo  two     2  <NA>
3  bar  one     3     6
4  bar  two  <NA>     7

To determine which key combinations will appear in the result depending on the choice of merge method, think of the multiple keys as forming an array of tuples to be used as a single join key.


When you're joining columns on columns, the indexes on the passed DataFrame objects are discarded. If you need to preserve the index values, you can use reset_index to append the index to the columns.

A last issue to consider in merge operations is the treatment of overlapping column names. For example:

In [58]: pd.merge(left, right, on="key1")
  key1 key2_x  lval key2_y  rval
0  foo    one     1    one     4
1  foo    one     1    one     5
2  foo    two     2    one     4
3  foo    two     2    one     5
4  bar    one     3    one     6
5  bar    one     3    two     7

While you can address the overlap manually (see the section Ch 7.2.4: Renaming Axis Indexes for renaming axis labels), pandas.merge has a suffixes option for specifying strings to append to overlapping names in the left and right DataFrame objects:

In [59]: pd.merge(left, right, on="key1", suffixes=("_left", "_right"))
  key1 key2_left  lval key2_right  rval
0  foo       one     1        one     4
1  foo       one     1        one     5
2  foo       two     2        one     4
3  foo       two     2        one     5
4  bar       one     3        one     6
5  bar       one     3        two     7

See Table 8.2 for an argument reference on pandas.merge. The next section covers joining using the DataFrame's row index.

Table 8.2: pandas.merge function arguments
Argument Description
left DataFrame to be merged on the left side.
right DataFrame to be merged on the right side.
how Type of join to apply: one of "inner", "outer", "left", or "right"; defaults to "inner".
on Column names to join on. Must be found in both DataFrame objects. If not specified and no other join keys given, will use the intersection of the column names in left and right as the join keys.
left_on Columns in left DataFrame to use as join keys. Can be a single column name or a list of column names.
right_on Analogous to left_on for right DataFrame.
left_index Use row index in left as its join key (or keys, if a MultiIndex).
right_index Analogous to left_index.
sort Sort merged data lexicographically by join keys; False by default.
suffixes Tuple of string values to append to column names in case of overlap; defaults to ("_x", "_y") (e.g., if "data" in both DataFrame objects, would appear as "data_x" and "data_y" in result).
copy If False, avoid copying data into resulting data structure in some exceptional cases; by default always copies.
validate Verifies if the merge is of the specified type, whether one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. See the docstring for full details on the options.
indicator Adds a special column _merge that indicates the source of each row; values will be "left_only", "right_only", or "both" based on the origin of the joined data in each row.

Merging on Index

In some cases, the merge key(s) in a DataFrame will be found in its index (row labels). In this case, you can pass left_index=True or right_index=True (or both) to indicate that the index should be used as the merge key:

In [60]: left1 = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["a", "b", "a", "a", "b", "c"],
   ....:                       "value": pd.Series(range(6), dtype="Int64")})

In [61]: right1 = pd.DataFrame({"group_val": [3.5, 7]}, index=["a", "b"])

In [62]: left1
  key  value
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   a      3
4   b      4
5   c      5

In [63]: right1
a        3.5
b        7.0

In [64]: pd.merge(left1, right1, left_on="key", right_index=True)
  key  value  group_val
0   a      0        3.5
2   a      2        3.5
3   a      3        3.5
1   b      1        7.0
4   b      4        7.0

If you look carefully here, you will see that the index values for left1 have been preserved, whereas in other examples above, the indexes of the input DataFrame objects are dropped. Because the index of right1 is unique, this "many-to-one" merge (with the default how="inner" method) can preserve the index values from left1 that correspond to rows in the output.

Since the default merge method is to intersect the join keys, you can instead form the union of them with an outer join:

In [65]: pd.merge(left1, right1, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="outer")
  key  value  group_val
0   a      0        3.5
2   a      2        3.5
3   a      3        3.5
1   b      1        7.0
4   b      4        7.0
5   c      5        NaN

With hierarchically indexed data, things are more complicated, as joining on index is equivalent to a multiple-key merge:

In [66]: lefth = pd.DataFrame({"key1": ["Ohio", "Ohio", "Ohio",
   ....:                                "Nevada", "Nevada"],
   ....:                       "key2": [2000, 2001, 2002, 2001, 2002],
   ....:                       "data": pd.Series(range(5), dtype="Int64")})

In [67]: righth_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
   ....:     [
   ....:         ["Nevada", "Nevada", "Ohio", "Ohio", "Ohio", "Ohio"],
   ....:         [2001, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2001, 2002]
   ....:     ]
   ....: )

In [68]: righth = pd.DataFrame({"event1": pd.Series([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], dtype="I
   ....:                                            index=righth_index),
   ....:                        "event2": pd.Series([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11], dtype="I
   ....:                                            index=righth_index)})

In [69]: lefth
     key1  key2  data
0    Ohio  2000     0
1    Ohio  2001     1
2    Ohio  2002     2
3  Nevada  2001     3
4  Nevada  2002     4

In [70]: righth
             event1  event2
Nevada 2001       0       1
       2000       2       3
Ohio   2000       4       5
       2000       6       7
       2001       8       9
       2002      10      11

In this case, you have to indicate multiple columns to merge on as a list (note the handling of duplicate index values with how="outer"):

In [71]: pd.merge(lefth, righth, left_on=["key1", "key2"], right_index=True)
     key1  key2  data  event1  event2
0    Ohio  2000     0       4       5
0    Ohio  2000     0       6       7
1    Ohio  2001     1       8       9
2    Ohio  2002     2      10      11
3  Nevada  2001     3       0       1

In [72]: pd.merge(lefth, righth, left_on=["key1", "key2"],
   ....:          right_index=True, how="outer")
     key1  key2  data  event1  event2
0    Ohio  2000     0       4       5
0    Ohio  2000     0       6       7
1    Ohio  2001     1       8       9
2    Ohio  2002     2      10      11
3  Nevada  2001     3       0       1
4  Nevada  2002     4    <NA>    <NA>
4  Nevada  2000  <NA>       2       3

Using the indexes of both sides of the merge is also possible:

In [73]: left2 = pd.DataFrame([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]],
   ....:                      index=["a", "c", "e"],
   ....:                      columns=["Ohio", "Nevada"]).astype("Int64")

In [74]: right2 = pd.DataFrame([[7., 8.], [9., 10.], [11., 12.], [13, 14]],
   ....:                       index=["b", "c", "d", "e"],
   ....:                       columns=["Missouri", "Alabama"]).astype("Int64")

In [75]: left2
   Ohio  Nevada
a     1       2
c     3       4
e     5       6

In [76]: right2
   Missouri  Alabama
b         7        8
c         9       10
d        11       12
e        13       14

In [77]: pd.merge(left2, right2, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True)
   Ohio  Nevada  Missouri  Alabama
a     1       2      <NA>     <NA>
b  <NA>    <NA>         7        8
c     3       4         9       10
d  <NA>    <NA>        11       12
e     5       6        13       14

DataFrame has a join instance method to simplify merging by index. It can also be used to combine many DataFrame objects having the same or similar indexes but nonoverlapping columns. In the prior example, we could have written:

In [78]: left2.join(right2, how="outer")
   Ohio  Nevada  Missouri  Alabama
a     1       2      <NA>     <NA>
b  <NA>    <NA>         7        8
c     3       4         9       10
d  <NA>    <NA>        11       12
e     5       6        13       14

Compared with pandas.merge, DataFrame’s join method performs a left join on the join keys by default. It also supports joining the index of the passed DataFrame on one of the columns of the calling DataFrame:

In [79]: left1.join(right1, on="key")
  key  value  group_val
0   a      0        3.5
1   b      1        7.0
2   a      2        3.5
3   a      3        3.5
4   b      4        7.0
5   c      5        NaN

You can think of this method as joining data "into" the object whose join method was called.

Lastly, for simple index-on-index merges, you can pass a list of DataFrames to join as an alternative to using the more general pandas.concat function described in the next section:

In [80]: another = pd.DataFrame([[7., 8.], [9., 10.], [11., 12.], [16., 17.]],
   ....:                        index=["a", "c", "e", "f"],
   ....:                        columns=["New York", "Oregon"])

In [81]: another
   New York  Oregon
a       7.0     8.0
c       9.0    10.0
e      11.0    12.0
f      16.0    17.0

In [82]: left2.join([right2, another])
   Ohio  Nevada  Missouri  Alabama  New York  Oregon
a     1       2      <NA>     <NA>       7.0     8.0
c     3       4         9       10       9.0    10.0
e     5       6        13       14      11.0    12.0

In [83]: left2.join([right2, another], how="outer")
   Ohio  Nevada  Missouri  Alabama  New York  Oregon
a     1       2      <NA>     <NA>       7.0     8.0
c     3       4         9       10       9.0    10.0
e     5       6        13       14      11.0    12.0
b  <NA>    <NA>         7        8       NaN     NaN
d  <NA>    <NA>        11       12       NaN     NaN
f  <NA>    <NA>      <NA>     <NA>      16.0    17.0

Concatenating Along an Axis

Another kind of data combination operation is referred to interchangeably as concatenation or stacking. NumPy's concatenate function can do this with NumPy arrays:

In [84]: arr = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))

In [85]: arr
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
       [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])

In [86]: np.concatenate([arr, arr], axis=1)
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  0,  1,  2,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6,  7,  4,  5,  6,  7],
       [ 8,  9, 10, 11,  8,  9, 10, 11]])

In the context of pandas objects such as Series and DataFrame, having labeled axes enable you to further generalize array concatenation. In particular, you have a number of additional concerns:

  • If the objects are indexed differently on the other axes, should we combine the distinct elements in these axes or use only the values in common?

  • Do the concatenated chunks of data need to be identifiable as such in the resulting object?

  • Does the "concatenation axis" contain data that needs to be preserved? In many cases, the default integer labels in a DataFrame are best discarded during concatenation.

The concat function in pandas provides a consistent way to address each of these questions. I’ll give a number of examples to illustrate how it works. Suppose we have three Series with no index overlap:

In [87]: s1 = pd.Series([0, 1], index=["a", "b"], dtype="Int64")

In [88]: s2 = pd.Series([2, 3, 4], index=["c", "d", "e"], dtype="Int64")

In [89]: s3 = pd.Series([5, 6], index=["f", "g"], dtype="Int64")

Calling pandas.concat with these objects in a list glues together the values and indexes:

In [90]: s1
a    0
b    1
dtype: Int64

In [91]: s2
c    2
d    3
e    4
dtype: Int64

In [92]: s3
f    5
g    6
dtype: Int64

In [93]: pd.concat([s1, s2, s3])
a    0
b    1
c    2
d    3
e    4
f    5
g    6
dtype: Int64

By default, pandas.concat works along axis="index", producing another Series. If you pass axis="columns", the result will instead be a DataFrame:

In [94]: pd.concat([s1, s2, s3], axis="columns")
      0     1     2
a     0  <NA>  <NA>
b     1  <NA>  <NA>
c  <NA>     2  <NA>
d  <NA>     3  <NA>
e  <NA>     4  <NA>
f  <NA>  <NA>     5
g  <NA>  <NA>     6

In this case there is no overlap on the other axis, which as you can see is the union (the "outer" join) of the indexes. You can instead intersect them by passing join="inner":

In [95]: s4 = pd.concat([s1, s3])

In [96]: s4
a    0
b    1
f    5
g    6
dtype: Int64

In [97]: pd.concat([s1, s4], axis="columns")
      0  1
a     0  0
b     1  1
f  <NA>  5
g  <NA>  6

In [98]: pd.concat([s1, s4], axis="columns", join="inner")
   0  1
a  0  0
b  1  1

In this last example, the "f" and "g" labels disappeared because of the join="inner" option.

A potential issue is that the concatenated pieces are not identifiable in the result. Suppose instead you wanted to create a hierarchical index on the concatenation axis. To do this, use the keys argument:

In [99]: result = pd.concat([s1, s1, s3], keys=["one", "two", "three"])

In [100]: result
one    a    0
       b    1
two    a    0
       b    1
three  f    5
       g    6
dtype: Int64

In [101]: result.unstack()
          a     b     f     g
one       0     1  <NA>  <NA>
two       0     1  <NA>  <NA>
three  <NA>  <NA>     5     6

In the case of combining Series along axis="columns", the keys become the DataFrame column headers:

In [102]: pd.concat([s1, s2, s3], axis="columns", keys=["one", "two", "three"])
    one   two  three
a     0  <NA>   <NA>
b     1  <NA>   <NA>
c  <NA>     2   <NA>
d  <NA>     3   <NA>
e  <NA>     4   <NA>
f  <NA>  <NA>      5
g  <NA>  <NA>      6

The same logic extends to DataFrame objects:

In [103]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2), index=["a", "b", "c"],
   .....:                    columns=["one", "two"])

In [104]: df2 = pd.DataFrame(5 + np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2), index=["a", "c"],
   .....:                    columns=["three", "four"])

In [105]: df1
   one  two
a    0    1
b    2    3
c    4    5

In [106]: df2
   three  four
a      5     6
c      7     8

In [107]: pd.concat([df1, df2], axis="columns", keys=["level1", "level2"])
  level1     level2     
     one two  three four
a      0   1    5.0  6.0
b      2   3    NaN  NaN
c      4   5    7.0  8.0

Here the keys argument is used to create a hierarchical index where the first level can be used to identify each of the concatenated DataFrame objects.

If you pass a dictionary of objects instead of a list, the dictionary’s keys will be used for the keys option:

In [108]: pd.concat({"level1": df1, "level2": df2}, axis="columns")
  level1     level2     
     one two  three four
a      0   1    5.0  6.0
b      2   3    NaN  NaN
c      4   5    7.0  8.0

There are additional arguments governing how the hierarchical index is created (see Table 8.3). For example, we can name the created axis levels with the names argument:

In [109]: pd.concat([df1, df2], axis="columns", keys=["level1", "level2"],
   .....:           names=["upper", "lower"])
upper level1     level2     
lower    one two  three four
a          0   1    5.0  6.0
b          2   3    NaN  NaN
c          4   5    7.0  8.0

A last consideration concerns DataFrames in which the row index does not contain any relevant data:

In [110]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.standard_normal((3, 4)),
   .....:                    columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"])

In [111]: df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.standard_normal((2, 3)),
   .....:                    columns=["b", "d", "a"])

In [112]: df1
          a         b         c         d
0  1.248804  0.774191 -0.319657 -0.624964
1  1.078814  0.544647  0.855588  1.343268
2 -0.267175  1.793095 -0.652929 -1.886837

In [113]: df2
          b         d         a
0  1.059626  0.644448 -0.007799
1 -0.449204  2.448963  0.667226

In this case, you can pass ignore_index=True, which discards the indexes from each DataFrame and concatenates the data in the columns only, assigning a new default index:

In [114]: pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
          a         b         c         d
0  1.248804  0.774191 -0.319657 -0.624964
1  1.078814  0.544647  0.855588  1.343268
2 -0.267175  1.793095 -0.652929 -1.886837
3 -0.007799  1.059626       NaN  0.644448
4  0.667226 -0.449204       NaN  2.448963

Table 8.3 describes the pandas.concat function arguments.

Table 8.3: pandas.concat function arguments
Argument Description
objs List or dictionary of pandas objects to be concatenated; this is the only required argument
axis Axis to concatenate along; defaults to concatenating along rows (axis="index")
join Either "inner" or "outer" ("outer" by default); whether to intersect (inner) or union (outer) indexes along the other axes
keys Values to associate with objects being concatenated, forming a hierarchical index along the concatenation axis; can be a list or array of arbitrary values, an array of tuples, or a list of arrays (if multiple-level arrays passed in levels)
levels Specific indexes to use as hierarchical index level or levels if keys passed
names Names for created hierarchical levels if keys and/or levels passed
verify_integrity Check new axis in concatenated object for duplicates and raise an exception if so; by default (False) allows duplicates
ignore_index Do not preserve indexes along concatenation axis, instead produce a new range(total_length) index

Combining Data with Overlap

There is another data combination situation that can’t be expressed as either a merge or concatenation operation. You may have two datasets with indexes that overlap in full or in part. As a motivating example, consider NumPy’s where function, which performs the array-oriented equivalent of an if-else expression:

In [115]: a = pd.Series([np.nan, 2.5, 0.0, 3.5, 4.5, np.nan],
   .....:               index=["f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a"])

In [116]: b = pd.Series([0., np.nan, 2., np.nan, np.nan, 5.],
   .....:               index=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])

In [117]: a
f    NaN
e    2.5
d    0.0
c    3.5
b    4.5
a    NaN
dtype: float64

In [118]: b
a    0.0
b    NaN
c    2.0
d    NaN
e    NaN
f    5.0
dtype: float64

In [119]: np.where(pd.isna(a), b, a)
Out[119]: array([0. , 2.5, 0. , 3.5, 4.5, 5. ])

Here, whenever values in a are null, values from b are selected, otherwise the non-null values from a are selected. Using numpy.where does not check whether the index labels are aligned or not (and does not even require the objects to be the same length), so if you want to line up values by index, use the Series combine_first method:

In [120]: a.combine_first(b)
a    0.0
b    4.5
c    3.5
d    0.0
e    2.5
f    5.0
dtype: float64

With DataFrames, combine_first does the same thing column by column, so you can think of it as “patching” missing data in the calling object with data from the object you pass:

In [121]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1., np.nan, 5., np.nan],
   .....:                     "b": [np.nan, 2., np.nan, 6.],
   .....:                     "c": range(2, 18, 4)})

In [122]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({"a": [5., 4., np.nan, 3., 7.],
   .....:                     "b": [np.nan, 3., 4., 6., 8.]})

In [123]: df1
     a    b   c
0  1.0  NaN   2
1  NaN  2.0   6
2  5.0  NaN  10
3  NaN  6.0  14

In [124]: df2
     a    b
0  5.0  NaN
1  4.0  3.0
2  NaN  4.0
3  3.0  6.0
4  7.0  8.0

In [125]: df1.combine_first(df2)
     a    b     c
0  1.0  NaN   2.0
1  4.0  2.0   6.0
2  5.0  4.0  10.0
3  3.0  6.0  14.0
4  7.0  8.0   NaN

The output of combine_first with DataFrame objects will have the union of all the column names.

8.3 Reshaping and Pivoting

There are a number of basic operations for rearranging tabular data. These are referred to as reshape or pivot operations.

Reshaping with Hierarchical Indexing

Hierarchical indexing provides a consistent way to rearrange data in a DataFrame. There are two primary actions:


This “rotates” or pivots from the columns in the data to the rows.


This pivots from the rows into the columns.

I’ll illustrate these operations through a series of examples. Consider a small DataFrame with string arrays as row and column indexes:

In [126]: data = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3)),
   .....:                     index=pd.Index(["Ohio", "Colorado"], name="state"),
   .....:                     columns=pd.Index(["one", "two", "three"],
   .....:                     name="number"))

In [127]: data
number    one  two  three
Ohio        0    1      2
Colorado    3    4      5

Using the stack method on this data pivots the columns into the rows, producing a Series:

In [128]: result = data.stack()

In [129]: result
state     number
Ohio      one       0
          two       1
          three     2
Colorado  one       3
          two       4
          three     5
dtype: int64

From a hierarchically indexed Series, you can rearrange the data back into a DataFrame with unstack:

In [130]: result.unstack()
number    one  two  three
Ohio        0    1      2
Colorado    3    4      5

By default, the innermost level is unstacked (same with stack). You can unstack a different level by passing a level number or name:

In [131]: result.unstack(level=0)
state   Ohio  Colorado
one        0         3
two        1         4
three      2         5

In [132]: result.unstack(level="state")
state   Ohio  Colorado
one        0         3
two        1         4
three      2         5

Unstacking might introduce missing data if all of the values in the level aren’t found in each subgroup:

In [133]: s1 = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3], index=["a", "b", "c", "d"], dtype="Int64")

In [134]: s2 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6], index=["c", "d", "e"], dtype="Int64")

In [135]: data2 = pd.concat([s1, s2], keys=["one", "two"])

In [136]: data2
one  a    0
     b    1
     c    2
     d    3
two  c    4
     d    5
     e    6
dtype: Int64

Stacking filters out missing data by default, so the operation is more easily invertible:

In [137]: data2.unstack()
        a     b  c  d     e
one     0     1  2  3  <NA>
two  <NA>  <NA>  4  5     6

In [138]: data2.unstack().stack()
one  a    0
     b    1
     c    2
     d    3
two  c    4
     d    5
     e    6
dtype: Int64

In [139]: data2.unstack().stack(dropna=False)
one  a       0
     b       1
     c       2
     d       3
     e    <NA>
two  a    <NA>
     b    <NA>
     c       4
     d       5
     e       6
dtype: Int64

When you unstack in a DataFrame, the level unstacked becomes the lowest level in the result:

In [140]: df = pd.DataFrame({"left": result, "right": result + 5},
   .....:                   columns=pd.Index(["left", "right"], name="side"))

In [141]: df
side             left  right
state    number             
Ohio     one        0      5
         two        1      6
         three      2      7
Colorado one        3      8
         two        4      9
         three      5     10

In [142]: df.unstack(level="state")
side   left          right         
state  Ohio Colorado  Ohio Colorado
one       0        3     5        8
two       1        4     6        9
three     2        5     7       10

As with unstack, when calling stack we can indicate the name of the axis to stack:

In [143]: df.unstack(level="state").stack(level="side")
state         Colorado  Ohio
number side                 
one    left          3     0
       right         8     5
two    left          4     1
       right         9     6
three  left          5     2
       right        10     7

Pivoting “Long” to “Wide” Format

A common way to store multiple time series in databases and CSV files is what is sometimes called long or stacked format. In this format, individual values are represented by a single row in a table rather than multiple values per row.

Let's load some example data and do a small amount of time series wrangling and other data cleaning:

In [144]: data = pd.read_csv("examples/macrodata.csv")

In [145]: data = data.loc[:, ["year", "quarter", "realgdp", "infl", "unemp"]]

In [146]: data.head()
   year  quarter   realgdp  infl  unemp
0  1959        1  2710.349  0.00    5.8
1  1959        2  2778.801  2.34    5.1
2  1959        3  2775.488  2.74    5.3
3  1959        4  2785.204  0.27    5.6
4  1960        1  2847.699  2.31    5.2

First, I use pandas.PeriodIndex (which represents time intervals rather than points in time), discussed in more detail in Ch 11: Time Series, to combine the year and quarter columns to set the index to consist of datetime values at the end of each quarter:

In [147]: periods = pd.PeriodIndex(year=data.pop("year"),
   .....:                          quarter=data.pop("quarter"),
   .....:                          name="date")

In [148]: periods
PeriodIndex(['1959Q1', '1959Q2', '1959Q3', '1959Q4', '1960Q1', '1960Q2',
             '1960Q3', '1960Q4', '1961Q1', '1961Q2',
             '2007Q2', '2007Q3', '2007Q4', '2008Q1', '2008Q2', '2008Q3',
             '2008Q4', '2009Q1', '2009Q2', '2009Q3'],
            dtype='period[Q-DEC]', name='date', length=203)

In [149]: data.index = periods.to_timestamp("D")

In [150]: data.head()
             realgdp  infl  unemp
1959-01-01  2710.349  0.00    5.8
1959-04-01  2778.801  2.34    5.1
1959-07-01  2775.488  2.74    5.3
1959-10-01  2785.204  0.27    5.6
1960-01-01  2847.699  2.31    5.2

Here I used the pop method on the DataFrame, which returns a column while deleting it from the DataFrame at the same time.

Then, I select a subset of columns and give the columns index the name "item":

In [151]: data = data.reindex(columns=["realgdp", "infl", "unemp"])

In [152]: data.columns.name = "item"

In [153]: data.head()
item         realgdp  infl  unemp
1959-01-01  2710.349  0.00    5.8
1959-04-01  2778.801  2.34    5.1
1959-07-01  2775.488  2.74    5.3
1959-10-01  2785.204  0.27    5.6
1960-01-01  2847.699  2.31    5.2

Lastly, I reshape with stack, turn the new index levels into columns with reset_index, and finally give the column containing the data values the name "value":

In [154]: long_data = (data.stack()
   .....:              .reset_index()
   .....:              .rename(columns={0: "value"}))

Now, ldata looks like:

In [155]: long_data[:10]
        date     item     value
0 1959-01-01  realgdp  2710.349
1 1959-01-01     infl     0.000
2 1959-01-01    unemp     5.800
3 1959-04-01  realgdp  2778.801
4 1959-04-01     infl     2.340
5 1959-04-01    unemp     5.100
6 1959-07-01  realgdp  2775.488
7 1959-07-01     infl     2.740
8 1959-07-01    unemp     5.300
9 1959-10-01  realgdp  2785.204

In this so-called long format for multiple time series, each row in the table represents a single observation.

Data is frequently stored this way in relational SQL databases, as a fixed schema (column names and data types) allows the number of distinct values in the item column to change as data is added to the table. In the previous example, date and item would usually be the primary keys (in relational database parlance), offering both relational integrity and easier joins. In some cases, the data may be more difficult to work with in this format; you might prefer to have a DataFrame containing one column per distinct item value indexed by timestamps in the date column. DataFrame’s pivot method performs exactly this transformation:

In [156]: pivoted = long_data.pivot(index="date", columns="item",
   .....:                           values="value")

In [157]: pivoted.head()
item        infl   realgdp  unemp
1959-01-01  0.00  2710.349    5.8
1959-04-01  2.34  2778.801    5.1
1959-07-01  2.74  2775.488    5.3
1959-10-01  0.27  2785.204    5.6
1960-01-01  2.31  2847.699    5.2

The first two values passed are the columns to be used, respectively, as the row and column index, then finally an optional value column to fill the DataFrame. Suppose you had two value columns that you wanted to reshape simultaneously:

In [159]: long_data["value2"] = np.random.standard_normal(len(long_data))

In [160]: long_data[:10]
        date     item     value    value2
0 1959-01-01  realgdp  2710.349  0.802926
1 1959-01-01     infl     0.000  0.575721
2 1959-01-01    unemp     5.800  1.381918
3 1959-04-01  realgdp  2778.801  0.000992
4 1959-04-01     infl     2.340 -0.143492
5 1959-04-01    unemp     5.100 -0.206282
6 1959-07-01  realgdp  2775.488 -0.222392
7 1959-07-01     infl     2.740 -1.682403
8 1959-07-01    unemp     5.300  1.811659
9 1959-10-01  realgdp  2785.204 -0.351305

By omitting the last argument, you obtain a DataFrame with hierarchical columns:

In [161]: pivoted = long_data.pivot(index="date", columns="item")

In [162]: pivoted.head()
           value                    value2                    
item        infl   realgdp unemp      infl   realgdp     unemp
1959-01-01  0.00  2710.349   5.8  0.575721  0.802926  1.381918
1959-04-01  2.34  2778.801   5.1 -0.143492  0.000992 -0.206282
1959-07-01  2.74  2775.488   5.3 -1.682403 -0.222392  1.811659
1959-10-01  0.27  2785.204   5.6  0.128317 -0.351305 -1.313554
1960-01-01  2.31  2847.699   5.2 -0.615939  0.498327  0.174072

In [163]: pivoted["value"].head()
item        infl   realgdp  unemp
1959-01-01  0.00  2710.349    5.8
1959-04-01  2.34  2778.801    5.1
1959-07-01  2.74  2775.488    5.3
1959-10-01  0.27  2785.204    5.6
1960-01-01  2.31  2847.699    5.2

Note that pivot is equivalent to creating a hierarchical index using set_index followed by a call to unstack:

In [164]: unstacked = long_data.set_index(["date", "item"]).unstack(level="item")

In [165]: unstacked.head()
           value                    value2                    
item        infl   realgdp unemp      infl   realgdp     unemp
1959-01-01  0.00  2710.349   5.8  0.575721  0.802926  1.381918
1959-04-01  2.34  2778.801   5.1 -0.143492  0.000992 -0.206282
1959-07-01  2.74  2775.488   5.3 -1.682403 -0.222392  1.811659
1959-10-01  0.27  2785.204   5.6  0.128317 -0.351305 -1.313554
1960-01-01  2.31  2847.699   5.2 -0.615939  0.498327  0.174072

Pivoting “Wide” to “Long” Format

An inverse operation to pivot for DataFrames is pandas.melt. Rather than transforming one column into many in a new DataFrame, it merges multiple columns into one, producing a DataFrame that is longer than the input. Let's look at an example:

In [167]: df = pd.DataFrame({"key": ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
   .....:                    "A": [1, 2, 3],
   .....:                    "B": [4, 5, 6],
   .....:                    "C": [7, 8, 9]})

In [168]: df
   key  A  B  C
0  foo  1  4  7
1  bar  2  5  8
2  baz  3  6  9

The "key" column may be a group indicator, and the other columns are data values. When using pandas.melt, we must indicate which columns (if any) are group indicators. Let's use "key" as the only group indicator here:

In [169]: melted = pd.melt(df, id_vars="key")

In [170]: melted
   key variable  value
0  foo        A      1
1  bar        A      2
2  baz        A      3
3  foo        B      4
4  bar        B      5
5  baz        B      6
6  foo        C      7
7  bar        C      8
8  baz        C      9

Using pivot, we can reshape back to the original layout:

In [171]: reshaped = melted.pivot(index="key", columns="variable",
   .....:                         values="value")

In [172]: reshaped
variable  A  B  C
bar       2  5  8
baz       3  6  9
foo       1  4  7

Since the result of pivot creates an index from the column used as the row labels, we may want to use reset_index to move the data back into a column:

In [173]: reshaped.reset_index()
variable  key  A  B  C
0         bar  2  5  8
1         baz  3  6  9
2         foo  1  4  7

You can also specify a subset of columns to use as value columns:

In [174]: pd.melt(df, id_vars="key", value_vars=["A", "B"])
   key variable  value
0  foo        A      1
1  bar        A      2
2  baz        A      3
3  foo        B      4
4  bar        B      5
5  baz        B      6

pandas.melt can be used without any group identifiers, too:

In [175]: pd.melt(df, value_vars=["A", "B", "C"])
  variable  value
0        A      1
1        A      2
2        A      3
3        B      4
4        B      5
5        B      6
6        C      7
7        C      8
8        C      9

In [176]: pd.melt(df, value_vars=["key", "A", "B"])
  variable value
0      key   foo
1      key   bar
2      key   baz
3        A     1
4        A     2
5        A     3
6        B     4
7        B     5
8        B     6

8.4 Conclusion

Now that you have some pandas basics for data import, cleaning, and reorganization under your belt, we are ready to move on to data visualization with matplotlib. We will return to explore other areas of pandas later in the book when we discuss more advanced analytics.